Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wild rumors Labbadia

Leverkusen - Something is incredibly wrong with Bayer. In the second half 14 points from 15 games - a sporting bankruptcy. It can form in the critic. And they are even louder, if Bayer was messing the game against Gladbach. They also have found the culprit: It's Bruno Labbadia.
Despite the recent vows made from the club floor (Bayer boss wooden houses: "We plan with Labbadia for the coming season") is cooking the rumor mill. The latest version: No matter what the Cup Final on 30 May in Berlin and Werder Bremen may also emerge - for Labbadia is after this season concludes. He must leave his chair coach after just one year. The decision had already been taken. This one had informed the team also.
Wanted to confirm this of course no one in Leverkusen. Only this: The patience of wooden houses and sporting director Rudi Voeller has limits. On Friday, said wooden houses ("The second half is a failure. Even the Cup Final is not an excuse") compared to EXPRESS it will after the season, a meeting with Labbadia, peoples and to give it. The outcome of the crisis call was open. "We will then carefully analyze what it has located. Then we will see how it goes. "
The pressure on the Bayer coach is increasing.
Völler work is not questioned internally. His contract was just renewed. Even manager Michael Reschke will sign in the next few days his new contract, as the wooden houses EXPRESS confirmed. "It's missing is his signature." How and whether it continues with Labbadia at all, on the other hand is completely open.
More of the chaos-club: Barnetta just want to make off from Bayer> Bayer-Stars Just refer Rolfes and Helmes Alarm> Fire Jupp guys Leverkusen>