Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We still go to the World Cup

Cologne -
They drove into the World Cup South Africa country on holiday and were attacked with guns drawn and robbed.
But the football fans Daniela (20) and Matthew (27) can not be intimidated. They say: we still want the World Cup. The terrorist attack on the national team of Togo in the Africa Cup - yet he scares a lot of fans who want the World Cup in South Africa.
For even the host country at the Cape of Good Hope is hopelessly infested with organized crime - and therefore extremely dangerous for tourists.
The learned Daniela Wennmacher and Matthias Falke personally. Both were attacked, although they are anything but frivolous behaved. "We were staying in a guarded holiday resort," she says from Cologne.
"In the middle of the night my mother was awakened. As a black man with gun beside her. He stole some jewelry and valuables. And disappeared into the night. "
A horror adventure! Matthias Falke has even been attacked in the street. "I made the mistake of einzubiegen into a side street," said the Bochum. "I immediately had a knife on her neck. The attack lasted only a minute. Then I had a Digi-cam and some money poorer. "
The amazing thing: Both fans want to go back to the country! You want to drive in the summer for the World Cup. Because: "South Africa has two sides," as Daniel says. "The landscape, the people, the vibrant life to compensate for a lot."
Falcon also reassured, despite their own bad experience of all fans. He learned from locals. The rule of thumb to street gangs loud: "If you act lost, you are lost." In German: "Anyone who lost or unsafe behavior is lost." He suggests: "We must remain confident and be on major roads."
A tip, set the probably many German. For the great wave cancellation is one not yet. DFB press director Harald Stenger for EXPRESS: "We are of such a trend is not known."