Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wicked letter to the 1 FC Cologne

Cologne - greed-attack? Or just send a written reminder?
One thing is certain: The blue letter from a FC-professionals to manager Michael Meier is probably not only impertinent, but also unique in the industry!
A few days ago, a document which landed on the desk Meiers. The sender: Pierre Wome. The Cameroonian had written the 16 lines themselves.
The letter begins: "Subject Salary, complaint. Dear Manager, Mr Maier ... "is obviously meant Mr. Meier.
The Wome letter - details here>
EXPRESS confronted Meier with the document. "Yes, I have received a letter from Pierre," the club manager. From a Gieranfall but he wanted to know. Meier soothingly: "This is nothing earth-shattering."
The problems are now fixed. The player was satisfied. Meier: "We're quite relaxed noted."
The professional has "a bad character," said Meier, "this is not a malicious boy. It has every right to ask open questions in this too. "Wome EXPRESS confronted with the contents of his letter. The 29-year-old professional reacted with irritation. But Explained: "It resolved everything." And on the game, assured Meier, the authorities could also Wome concentrate again. It would be better to ...