Monday, May 3, 2010

Art violating conservation agreements

Dusseldorf - an unusual "catch" made the customs officials in Dusseldorf-Nord: In a wooden box, they discovered a "Flamingo-pig" - a mixture of two needs getting used stuffed animals.
Customs spokesman Michael Walk reports: "The wooden box that came with a truck coming from Switzerland, aroused the interest of tax collectors is less than the accompanying documents, which spoke of a" flamingo-Pig, "with a value of 58 000 dollars a speech."
The officers opened the box. "It was a macabre piece of art to the fore, was joined at the head and long neck of a flamingo with the headless body of a pig," said Walk. "Well, bad taste is not illegal, although the import of artengeschützten flamingos - whether alive or stuffed - can." Inasmuch as the gallery owner, who wanted to introduce the work of art could not have provided the necessary permits, the Customs seized the "beast" .
The creator of the "artistic nature" is the Cologne sculptor and professor at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art, Thomas Grünfeld, the already numerous animal specimens have been brought together to "mixed beings".
"Normally, I use animals that are not under conservation," says the artist to EXPRESS. "Here is a flamingo, who died in a Dutch zoo, and was joined on my behalf by a taxidermist."
The plant is easily traveled to exhibitions in Mexico and Switzerland. "Why do not suddenly the papers were in order, I do not understand," said Grunfeld.
And what he wants to tell the audience with his creations? "Hybrids have a 2000 years old tradition, like the Minotaur in Greek mythology shows," explains the artist. "However, I will also indicate the risks of genetic engineering."