Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Vierlanden Marc on our Müüs

Ceremonial session of the KG Wiesse Müüs - as always an experience: In addition to the cult band Höhner "especially enthusiastic" Dä Blötschkopp and Bernd Stelter. Most of the laughs, however, had Marc Metzger as "Dä Blötschkopp. He welcomed Mayor Jürgen Nimtpsch: "Oh, you are the Lord Nimptsch, the temporary replacement of the Bärbel Dieckmann." The sitting right next to Nimptsch amused a great time. Also good: "If you have aggression, but let the artist out of a car. Remember my name: My name is Bernd Stelter. "Witzig: Stelter was waiting outside the courtroom for his appearance and was grumbling in the hall. We asked the Blötschkopp whether such jokes are prepared or occur spontaneously: "Usually these jokes arise spontaneously. And when you arrive, you are further forward. Mr Nimptsch I am 11.11. met in the jumping mouse. And the name does not forget you. Even the gag with Bernd Stelter was a spontaneous idea. "Award was" Dä Blötschkopp "with the EXPRESS Order.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Disappeared tourist comes from Kaarst

Paris - Thursday a German tourist, disappeared without trace in South of France. When her husband went looking for it, he was stabbed (EXPRESS.DE reported>).
It is now clear: The couple is from Kaarst. While the Politzei feverishly for the woman (60) looks, is her husband (66) in France in the hospital.
The statements of the man that he had been stabbed by a 40 - to 50-year-old attacker appeared credible meant esvon the prosecution. The information was, according to einerTreppe, sloping down into the Rhône, found a trail of blood.
The police meanwhile, was searching intensively for the woman and the perpetrator. A helicopter had the Rhone river to its mouth in Mittelmeerabgeflogen, said a police spokesman. In addition, sniffer dogs were undTaucher in the river and in a secondary channel in use, as well wieein boat with a special camera.
About 50 specialists beteiligtensich in the search. The channel was trockengelegtworden to several 100 meters, but so far have been found not a single track.
EXPRESS.DE already reported Thursday on the case: Man stabbed - woman vanished>

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The most spectacular treasure finds in the world

The Briton Howard Carter discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, the grave of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The 100-pound Goldsarkopharg, the famous death mask and the valuable grave goods are regarded as the greatest treasure of the 20th Century.
The German Heinrich Schliemann came in 1873 during excavations in Turkey, on the Treasure of Priam, king of Troy.
1985 hid the American Mel Fisher in 1622 the charge of the vessel which sank off Florida, "Nuestra Senora de Atocha" ingots, coins and jewelry valued at 18 million €.
In Saxony-Anhalt treasure hunters found in 1994 the "Sky Disc of Nebra is the oldest concrete representation of the star world.
The American, Tommy Thompson raised in 1989 21 tons of pure gold from the Atlantic - the charge on the sunken "Central America".

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wicked letter to the 1 FC Cologne

Cologne - greed-attack? Or just send a written reminder?
One thing is certain: The blue letter from a FC-professionals to manager Michael Meier is probably not only impertinent, but also unique in the industry!
A few days ago, a document which landed on the desk Meiers. The sender: Pierre Wome. The Cameroonian had written the 16 lines themselves.
The letter begins: "Subject Salary, complaint. Dear Manager, Mr Maier ... "is obviously meant Mr. Meier.
The Wome letter - details here>
EXPRESS confronted Meier with the document. "Yes, I have received a letter from Pierre," the club manager. From a Gieranfall but he wanted to know. Meier soothingly: "This is nothing earth-shattering."
The problems are now fixed. The player was satisfied. Meier: "We're quite relaxed noted."
The professional has "a bad character," said Meier, "this is not a malicious boy. It has every right to ask open questions in this too. "Wome EXPRESS confronted with the contents of his letter. The 29-year-old professional reacted with irritation. But Explained: "It resolved everything." And on the game, assured Meier, the authorities could also Wome concentrate again. It would be better to ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Art violating conservation agreements

Dusseldorf - an unusual "catch" made the customs officials in Dusseldorf-Nord: In a wooden box, they discovered a "Flamingo-pig" - a mixture of two needs getting used stuffed animals.
Customs spokesman Michael Walk reports: "The wooden box that came with a truck coming from Switzerland, aroused the interest of tax collectors is less than the accompanying documents, which spoke of a" flamingo-Pig, "with a value of 58 000 dollars a speech."
The officers opened the box. "It was a macabre piece of art to the fore, was joined at the head and long neck of a flamingo with the headless body of a pig," said Walk. "Well, bad taste is not illegal, although the import of artengeschützten flamingos - whether alive or stuffed - can." Inasmuch as the gallery owner, who wanted to introduce the work of art could not have provided the necessary permits, the Customs seized the "beast" .
The creator of the "artistic nature" is the Cologne sculptor and professor at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art, Thomas Grünfeld, the already numerous animal specimens have been brought together to "mixed beings".
"Normally, I use animals that are not under conservation," says the artist to EXPRESS. "Here is a flamingo, who died in a Dutch zoo, and was joined on my behalf by a taxidermist."
The plant is easily traveled to exhibitions in Mexico and Switzerland. "Why do not suddenly the papers were in order, I do not understand," said Grunfeld.
And what he wants to tell the audience with his creations? "Hybrids have a 2000 years old tradition, like the Minotaur in Greek mythology shows," explains the artist. "However, I will also indicate the risks of genetic engineering."