Friday, February 5, 2010

Jobs for top staff

Bonn - heaven and hell. For years, the Bonn experiencing a roller-coaster of emotions. The annual economic report almost exclusively top results for our city. But when it comes to the budget, does it always, from all evil.
Just warned city treasurer Ludger Sander: "The budget situation remains dramatic." Awful 1.2 billion euros, Bonn scraped again on Haushaltssicherung concept of "money-supervision" by the Cologne district presidents past.
Then on Tuesday asked Mayor Baerbel Dieckmann, the annual economic report: Bonn is in NRW (the city with the highest sales total 111 billion per company). The Federal City is one of the best real estate locations. The population continues to grow (315,025, plus 1120). The purchasing power of the Bonn is 11.5 percent above the national average. We have five DAX companies are located.
Only when it comes to lowering the unemployment rate and for training places, darkened the mood of OB Dieckmann: The number of jobless Bonners sinks lower than in other German cities. Background: In Bonn, there are very specific need jobs that require special skills. "
 Also regrettable: The unemployment figures, the proportion of foreigners with 22 Porzent is much higher than the national average (15 percent). Dieckmann Conclusion: Early migrants often have disadvantages in development because of language. In addition, there are more applicants than training places. Conclusion of the OB: "We need to improve the school further."
Heaven and Hell. Dieckmann takes it, as it is: "I have resigned myself to a piece of it." But at least there is a good infrastructure in Bonn - Bonn and OB recommends looking at cities like Duisburg. Here there is certainly no discussion of just that the health of children by the closure of a single pool was in jeopardy.